Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What If I'm Done All My Assignments?

Hello friends,

Some of you have been rocking through all your assignments - keep it up!

There are a few students who rush through assignments in a hurry and forget to follow some important instructions. Please make sure that you read over the requirements carefully. I take the time to write everything out and you all know how to read. Make sure you follow the instructions fully.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - PUH-LEEZE SPEIL CHEKK!

I keep hearing the same question over and over, "What should I do when I'm done all my assignments?" Here is a list of suggestions so I can save my lovely voice for singing Sam, Haron and Mariam Me's theme songs.

If you are done all your assignments:
-Make sure that all assignments have been edited and spell checked
-Make sure you've properly followed all instructions for every assignment
-You can add relevant images or photos to your assignments
-You can add surveys or polls to your blog
-Read over my blog posts for advice and exciting information
-Read and respond to comments you have recieved on your blog
-Read over your peers' blog posts to see what they're up to
-Comment on my blog to ask questions or point me to something really interesting you've done
-Comment on your peers' blogs, noticing things they've done well, and things they can continue to work on
-When you visit other people's blogs, comment to tell them you've been there and what you think of what they're doing. That will encourage them to check out your blog as well


Anonymous said...

The kitty is sssssssssooooo CCCCUUUUUUUTTTTEEEE!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Miss Pollock Its not fault i always fall off my chair. :P Its funny i like it.

Anonymous said...

hi miss pollock I think the kitty is so cute and it reaminds me of Jamal because he allways falls of his chair. fron leila

Venci said...

The cat is very funny.

Taya said...

hi miss.pollock
Love that Cat!

Chelsea said...

i think that is the cutiest cat i have ever seen in my life